Monday, November 11, 2013

This weekend I spent the ENTIRE weekend working on homework. Blah! All day Saturday specifically I was working on a paper for my Qualitative Modes of Inquiry class (a requirement for IEDP and one of two choices required for ECS). Both my roommates happened to be staying at home and working on papers as well on Saturday. Mid-way through the day we realized we needed some motivation. We decided to give ourselves a reward if we worked on our papers until 8 pm. Rewards after a great day of studying are much needed in graduate school I have learned.

Our reward?....... drinking wine and watching Downton Abbey! Yes, both my roommates are huge fans of the show. I, on the other hand, have only seen one episode. So my roommates decided it was high time for me to be properly introduced. I'll say Netflix and have been my friend here at Penn. I don't have a tv in my house so being able to get on my computer and stay up to date on my favorite shows while also giving myself a much needed break from studying is invaluable!


1 comment:

  1. Hi there! My name is Patrick Collins and I just got my acceptance letter from Penn the other day. I stumbled across your blog and noticed you were from Lee's Summit. I'm from Independence! Glad to know I won't be the only Missourian in Philly next year! haha
