Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Teacher Education Info Session


Teacher Education Information Session is Coming UP!

Interested in becoming a teacher? Join us for an on-campus information session!

Whether you want to teach pre-kindergarteners or 12th graders, our Teacher Education Program (TEP) can get you on track to certification. 

Through a commitment to social justice and urban education, TEP prepares prospective teachers to transform students and schools. You can read more about the program on their extensive website: http://www2.gse.upenn.edu/tep/.

Read through the website and want to learn more in-person?

Join the Urban Teacher Education program for an on-campus information session on Saturday, December 7 from 10am-noon ET. RSVP here
(Please note only the Teacher Education program will be represented and discussed at this event.)

Hope to see you there!

Monday, November 25, 2013

Thanksgiving- Break??

Thanksgiving "break" is coming up in a few days. I'll be flying home to Missouri on Wednesday morning and I am really looking forward to spending time with my family for the holiday. Still, I put the work break in quotation marks because I don't think I will actually be able to enjoy much of a rest from school. With Thanksgiving coming so late this year when we come back to school it will be Dec 1! There are only a few weeks left in the semester and everyone is starting to feel the pinch. I can say this is the first time I'm really starting to get stressed (not bad, I made it 3 months!)

A lot of people have been asking me how long I am taking to finish my program. IEDP requires 10 CUs (courses) to graduate. 5 courses a semester is the maximum a graduate student can take so it is possible to finish the degree in 2 semesters. However, a lot of people will tell you that they don't recommend taking 5 courses in a semester because it is too difficult. I have actually not been too overwhelmed though. Yes, taking 5 graduate level courses at once is a lot of work. There is A LOT of reading and several significant papers. I do not find it to be unmanageable though. It really depends on how well you do at managing your time and handling stress. Some people I know are taking few than 5 courses and they feel overwhelmed. It also depends on what other things you have going on outside of your classes. Besides working a few hours a week with admissions my classes are really the only thing I have going on. People who work or are involved in research or other projects may find it more difficult to take 5 courses. So, you have to decide for yourself what are your priorities.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Our IEDP volleyball team has made it into the playoffs! The Pink Panthers will go against the Stouffer Strickers later tonight. It has been great getting to know the others in my program through playing intramural volleyball together. Most of the girls on the team had never played before but we have really improved throughout the season. At times it is hard get my athletic clothes on and trek down to the gym, especially when I have a ton of homework to do, but I'm glad I did. My professors always remind us that it is important to form relationships with your cohort because they are the ones who will help you get a job later!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Wharton Africa Business Conference

This past weekend Wharton hosted their annual Africa Business Conference. It is quite the big deal! Hundreds of people came from all over for it. There was a panel on Saturday afternoon regarding education in Africa. Wharton offered International Educational Development Program (IEDP) students 10 spots to attend the panel discussion that was moderated by our program director and UNESCO Chair- Dan Wagner.

Speakers participating in the panel:

Frank Aswani- African Leadership Academy
Michael Conway- Bridge International Academies
Richard Tibbles- Foundation of Learning Equality

Though the discussion was short (only about an hour) it was interesting to hear an introduction of these three organizations and their work in Africa. Each takes a unique approach to issues facing Africa and youth. ALA builds entrepreneurship, leadership, and networking skills in a select group of youth from all over the continent. Bridge is a bit wider in that it operates over 200 primary schools. Finally, Tibbles' organization is transferring online courses into downloadable form so that people with limited internet connectivity can still access the courses.

Just one of the many opportunities available here at Penn.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Ph.D. Deadline


The deadline to apply for all Ph.D. programs for Fall 2014 enrollment is SUNDAY, DECEMBER 15, 2013!

This means ALL materials must be received by the admissions office by that date.
All applications received by that date are guaranteed a faculty review of all materials.
If you have not yet taken the GRE, you must do so no later than NOVEMBER 22, 2013 or your test scores will not make it to us in time.
We always recommend that you submit your application and materials earlier rather than waiting until the absolute last day!

Any questions? Please email admissions@gse.upenn.eduor give us a call at (215)898-6415.

Most Master's programs have rolling admissions but check with your specific program to make sure there is not a specific deadline. That being said, we still recommend that Master's students apply by December or early January. 

Monday, November 11, 2013

This weekend I spent the ENTIRE weekend working on homework. Blah! All day Saturday specifically I was working on a paper for my Qualitative Modes of Inquiry class (a requirement for IEDP and one of two choices required for ECS). Both my roommates happened to be staying at home and working on papers as well on Saturday. Mid-way through the day we realized we needed some motivation. We decided to give ourselves a reward if we worked on our papers until 8 pm. Rewards after a great day of studying are much needed in graduate school I have learned.

Our reward?....... drinking wine and watching Downton Abbey! Yes, both my roommates are huge fans of the show. I, on the other hand, have only seen one episode. So my roommates decided it was high time for me to be properly introduced. I'll say Netflix and abc.com have been my friend here at Penn. I don't have a tv in my house so being able to get on my computer and stay up to date on my favorite shows while also giving myself a much needed break from studying is invaluable!


Wednesday, November 6, 2013

GAPSA and Graduate Student Union

I know, I'm a few days late in writing about this but.. last week was Halloween. Hope you did something fun. Penn's Graduate And Professional Student Assembly (GAPSA) had a happy hour downtown to celebrate. Free drinks who wouldn't like that? It was held a fancy restaurant on the top level. Fairly good turn out I'd say a few hundred. Throughout the year GAPSA plans events for students across campus. In the fall, they held orientations and tours of Center City for new students, they offered discount tickets to the Phillys game and the Philadelphia Zoo. They are offering free yoga classes each week this month. It's always a wide variety of things they are doing and it is a great way to get involved and meet graduate students outside of your program and outside GSE (not that GSE isn't cool)

Another cool thing GAPSA offers is language chats. You can sign up to talk with a small group of students and usually a native speaker in order to practice or deepen your knowledge of another language. I think that is one of the issues facing many people trying to learn another language is that they don't get an opportunity to practice speaking it very often. GAPSA language chats are offered in Japanese, French, Mandarin, Arabic, Spanish and Korean this semester.

GAPSA's home, and where many of their events are held, is the Graduate Student Center. This building is located in the middle of campus and offers free wi-fi and a great place to relax or study during the day. Only graduate students allowed! They also have a fire going in the fireplace now that it's getting cold out. And the best thing of all.... they offer free coffee and tea 24/7!!! How great is that?

I'd definitely recommend getting involved in GAPSA while you are at Penn. You can check out their website to see more of their events going on around campus.